How can I get by train from Kaunas, Lithuania to Tallinn, Estonia?


According to Seat61, there's a connection between BiaΕ‚ystok and Vilnius (change trains at Kaunas).

From there, you would be able to reach Tallinn in two days, with a change at Riga. But note that since 2020, Vilnius-Daugavpils trains only run to Turmantas at the border, so you may be out of luck after all. This may also be the reason your own searches didn't give any result.

If you manage to get to Daugavpils (bus, taxi?), you can buy train tickets from there to Riga here.

Alternatively, there seems to be a direct bus from Warsaw to Tallinn, which also stops in BiaΕ‚ystok. This would take just over 16 hours.

Another option that minimizes time spent on buses is this:

  • From Vilnius, take the local train to Turmantas
  • Cross the border on foot, and follow the railway tracks 2.5 km north to Zemgale. Google Maps doesn't show any roads, but OpenStreetMap does
  • Take bus 6173, which will take you to Daugavpils in only 40 minutes (schedule, 3 times daily)

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