Concerned about starting graduate school in Hong Kong


Accepted answer

Even the most cautious models right now models the virus to be contained towards the end of May.

Give that you then have a few more months until August I would say this is not so much of a worry for you if you are a normal middle age person with no prior heart or respiratory conditions and even so in August the risk should be minimal.

I am currently in the middle of it all in Mainland China, and with common sense and hygiene I am not at all worried about this virus.

Follow the recommendations, do not spend in needed time in public places etc and things are totally fine.

So keep up to date with the news but for August timeframes I would not worry to much.


I'm living in Hong Kong and avoiding crowds and being in public places more than necessary. Good hygiene, such as washing you hands regularly and not touching hand rails more than absolutely necessary is good means of prevention. Many companies and Government departments have implemented "Work From Home" policies, reduces the number of people commuting which also helps.

Be aware social media seems to have quite an impact here and there have been some episodes of panic-buying: rice, detergents, tissues including toilet tissue; have sold out in many stores. Face masks are also in short supply and there are signs that profiteering is happening too. I saw a box of face masks for around 300 HKD yesterday (38 USD). I imagine most of this will correct itself before August.

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