How to get from Lviv (Lvov) to Krakow by train on the cheap?


'Ukrainian international trains' and 'cheap' is something incompatible, unfortunately. Domestic train tickets can be purchased online but international AFAIK cannot, at least it was impossible spring 2015.

Use bus to get to Przemysl / Rzeszów, it would be quite convenient. If you want it extremely cheap then

  1. From Lviv to Shegyni (Шегині) ~2hrs ~14uah from central railway station

  2. Sheginy-Medyka, the border. Time to pass may vary, my experience 1..4 hours

  3. Medyka-Przemysl ~2zl by bus, ~20min to ride but it may take about a hour to wait the departure.

  4. if you like Przemysl-Rzeszów

I definitely would NOT buy a ticket on the polish side in advance because of unpredictable time on the border (guard on both sides may be very slow, at least if you're not EU citizen, unsure about USA/Canada/etc)

So, it'd be safe to start from Lviv early morning, then you'll be at your hotel before night.

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