How can I get from Ventimiglia to Antibes at night?


Accepted answer

I see five ways to salvage the situation.

  1. Spend the night in Milan and leave early on the following day. You will then be in Antibes around noon.

  2. Take the train to Ventimiglia and spend the night there. On the following day, continue to Antibes. You will then be able to arrive in Antibes in the early morning

  3. Rent a car in Milan, drive to Antibes and drop it there. It's a 4-5 hours drive. You will then arrive on Antibes in the late evening.

  4. Take the evening train to Ventimiglia and continue to Antibes by taxi. You can expect this to cost around 200 EUR.

  5. Take the evening train to Ventimiglia and then a train to Nice. The last trains leave at 21h49 and 22h40 from Ventimiglia. Nice you can take a taxi. Cost ~ 70 EUR

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