EU flight delayed, expenses reimbursement


While it would have likely been simpler to get the vouchers, you are entitled reasonable expenses, as specified, from RyanAir in addition to compensation.

If you go to their EU261 claim form, the "Type of Claim" lists both compensation and expenses as options.

The RyanAir EU261 FAQ further states

If you are delayed you may be entitled to the following*:

  • meals and refreshments in reasonable relation to the waiting time;
  • two telephone calls or e-mails;
  • reasonable hotel accommodation where a stay of one or more nights becomes necessary;
  • reasonable transport between the airport and place of accommodation (hotel or other).


Customers who wish to submit a travel/transport/refreshments expense/compensation claim following a flight cancellation or delay over 3 hours on arrival can click here to access the EU261 claim form.


The cash compensation is intended to compensate you for the inconvenience of losing time due to delay/cancellation.

As for your expenses at the airport: The airline is obliged to provide you with meals and refreshments, accommodation if necessary, and so forth. They get to choose how they provide that. If you refuse or ignore their offer of assistance (and the offer was reasonable). then whichever expenses you incur as a result of not taking their offer are not the airline's problem.

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