UK tourist visa refused after 3 successful applications


Many countries, including the UK, have tightened their procedures, and I would guess you've simply hit that, i.e. previously they accepted "just the withdrawal document", now their rules say that's not enough.

That you're spending 4 times your salary means that £1400 is (more than) 4 times what you make every month. That sounds like quite a huge part of your income to spend on a weeks vacation, and raises some concern that you might have other sources of income, perhaps not so legal, and that again causes concern.


It's right here in RedGrittyBrick's link:


A frequent source of refusals comes under "proportionality". This is a strategy where the applicant intends to deplete his life savings on a visit. "Proportionality" also covers the case where an applicant intends to spent more than about two or three months earnings on a visit, sometimes up to six months. This strategy is doomed from the outset because ECO's believe that genuine visitors do not deplete their financial reserves on a visit and moreover, ECO's believe that genuine visitors do not spend a multiple of their monthly cash intake. There is no hard rule covering proportionality and UKVI does not provide guidance on what is acceptable, so as a general rule of thumb if you plan on spending more than a month or two of your cash intake, you can expect problems and the solution is don't apply. Wait until your personal circumstances are more prosperous.

They simply don't believe -- nor do I -- that

a) you are able to find lodging in London for 100 quid a week - without which your plan falls apart. Does this hostel have age limits? Perhaps they are aware of an age limit you are not. And

b) it is normal and reasonable for a person of your age to dump every last dime of income into traveling to the UK? Sorry. I don't know what's normal in India, but a 34yo in the US who is not putting money back into retirement funds, who doesn't have a 6 month emergency fund, who bottoms his bank account for fun and thinks the money will work out -- that is a signal for poverty, substance abuse, bad habits (gambling etc.), habit-driven terrible financial decisions, or other serious life problems. None of which you want to land in your nation if you're an immigration officer, as that's likely to end in illicit employment or on the dole. So you would need documentation to disprove those things.

Why this time and not previous times? There wasn't a pattern before. And the pattern asks a big question: "Why the only the UK over and over, and not a diversity of tourism destinations around the world?" If you had decided "fine, jerks, I'll take my vacation money to France/Thailand/New Zealand/St Martin/Vegas instead", that would reflect being a bona-fide tourist. Whereas seeking only UK entry is suspicious. In the long run, maybe this is a "test" to see what you do.

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