My visa application was refused because of the previous frequent travels to the UK with a 6 months tourist visa


Accepted answer

First, let me tell you that is was incredibly stupid to lie in the application. Saying so is too late for you now, but perhaps other readers of this site will take notice.

Next, consider what you are trying to do in the long run. It seems to me that you are trying to live in the UK fairly regularly, and not just visit. That requires a different visa, with different rules and conditions. Trying to apply for the wrong type of visa is going to be a problem because the rules for a visitor visa are made to prevent this.

  • For living abroad permanently, ask on Expatriates stack exchange.
  • As long as the UK is in the EU, your boyfriend benefits from the EU regulations which allow him to bring family members. You might qualify as a family member if you are not married but in a permanent relationship. Again, ask Expatriates.
  • The UK is leaving the EU and we don't know what the rules will be afterwards, especially with regard for people who came between the declaration of Brexit and the time it goes into effect.

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