Mentioning about my remote job in my Schengen visa application


Accepted answer

I did mention that I am a remote worker in my application and cover letter. Also, I mentioned that my employers are based out of Canada and their office address too.

I got my multiple-entry short-stay visa today for 35 days.


Yes, you need to explain in the application how you make a living. Otherwise your visa will surely be refused because then your application is indistinguishable from "unemployed with no income, probably desperate to try to find work as an illegal immigrant in our country".

"Working remotely for a foreign company" is perhaps less convincing for a visa officer than actual local jobs -- you could keep doing that work even from the Schengen area, so it's not a close tie to your home country. But still having a job (that you document in the application) is infinitely better than not having one.

Document the job you have. It's not helpful that speculate that a different job would make for a stronger application if you had it, because you don't.

I would understand "office address location" to be the place where you physically carry out your work. If you're working from home, you don't have a separate office address.

(Do document the employer's office in Canada -- but it's not yours).

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