How to fill in the Schengen visa application form when going to several countries?


Be consistent, tell the truth and give reasonable answers. You probably stay in a hotel in France for a few weeks but not months. If you list all countries you should provide addresses for all of them. But remember, it's not a problem if you forget a stop or change your itinerary. Once in Schengen, you can travel where you want as long as the Visa is valid.


In general, you primarily want to avoid giving the impression you are hiding something so you should rather provide more details than not enough. Importantly, the little “(s)” clearly implies the consulate expects to see a list of all the countries you are going to visit. Definitely mention all three in Q22.

Remember that you can always attach additional documentation to your application. So if you don't have enough space on the form to list all hotels, you could write the name of the first hotel and something like “see attached itinerary” and then provide a full list of the places you intend to stay at on a separate sheet. See Itinerary for German Schengen visa and What does "copy of itinerary" mean when applying for a Schengen visa? for more details on this strategy.

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