"Member state(s) of destination" confusion in Belgium online Schengen visa application


Accepted answer

You are frustrated because the form does not have enough room to list multiple countries.

When I enter 'Belgium', then I cannot enter 'Spain' without cancelling 'Belgium' first.

You can enter their international abbreviations like this...

enter image description here

be = Belgium, es = Spain, it = Italy, and so on. When the consular officials see those abbreviations, they will know what to do.

For the case where you are presented with an immutable drop down list for which the only possibility is to select a single answer, then your strategy would be to select the country to which you are making the application (in your case Belgium). You can use the free form text to list the others in your itinerary.

Because a single choice drop-down list is a fallacy given that the answer can be multiple countries, the consular staff will eventually recognise it and have their IT unit make a change to the underlying programme. They do not issue refusals for this type of operational inconsistency anyway. You can print out this answer and attach it to your application if doing so will increase your comfort level.

Related: What should I write in "Member states of destination" on Schengen visa applications?

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