Do they check your passport and residence permit when travelling by train and bus in Europe?


There are random checks on both buses and trains. I've had my passport checked when traveling by train from Germany to France and when traveling by bus from Austria to Germany. I also had my passport checked almost every time when traveling to Switzerland, but the last time I went there was 8 years ago.

These checks are seemingly random, and (other than Switzerland) they happened to me less than 5% of the times I traveled across borders within the EU. I suspect checks are more common on trains and buses that are suspected of carrying passengers coming from eastern Europe, but I don't know that for sure.

If you have a temporary residence permit that is valid the entire time you are traveling, then that should be good enough. It shows that you have permission to be there.


There will be occasional checks at least when entering Switzerland, or Germany from Austria/Switzerland, or France from Germany/Switzerland/Italy. However, it's less common on trains than buses.

When entering Switzerland by bus, checks are very common, though not systematic.

I would not recommend you to do this trip if you don't receive your residence permit in time.

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