Standard Visitor visa staying the full 6 months


The answer to your question is no, she won't be allowed back in. Edit: see madhatter's comment. Also, consider that it may be possible to get her a more suitable visa that would allow long and frequent stays. Could she qualify as a dependent for instance?


As you note, the rules are open to interpretation. There is no equivalent of the Schengen rule that allows calculation of the day on which a visitor can return, and how many days they can stay. Each time your mother-in-law attempts to enter the UK, the officials will make a judgement call on whether she is doing, or likely to do, anything that is not permitted.

The key item is the rule against using a visitor visa to "live in the UK for long periods of time through frequent visits".

The officer was giving some guidance on the sort of behavior that is likely to be considered unacceptable. Her original plan of spending blocks of six months in the UK separated by only a month or two in South Africa obviously amounts to living in the UK and visiting South Africa.

Your family should rethink the plan for the infant's care. She simply cannot be the everyday carer without effectively living in the UK, which is not permitted on a visitor visa. If she does not abuse her visa now, she can help in the future if e.g. the carer is unavailable for a few weeks or, later, during school holidays.

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