not refunding my Disneyland Paris stay


Accepted answer

You might be out of the period when you can request a chargeback, but you can still contact your credit card provider and require them to honour their obligations under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act if the cost was more than Β£100, as there is no time limit on that.


This is a time when everyone is looking for the same thing - a refund. And the travel industry is "tilting" because everyone is looking for a refund at the same time, and obviously, they don't want to give it. So everyone is giving you doubletalk, malarkey, and flat out lies.

And on the other side of that, you seem to be prevaricating a lot in your message, over-justifying, as if you don't feel like you are really entitled to it. You're entitled to it.

Though it may be a bit out of character, you need to go full "alpha wolf" on these people and be completely ruthless about pursuing your refund. And you need to do it fast, because it's a bit of a footrace amongst customers like yourself - some travel companies that weren't properly managed will start declaring bankruptcy. Your deposits are supposed to be held in trust, but they don't all do it right.

You give one opportunity to issue a refund in full, and they don't do that, go straight to the CC company and avail yourself of Section 75 protection. That's worse for the booking company, because they must relinquish the amount in full, they get no refund on fees, and they must pay fees/costs for the process to boot.

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