What's the drinking age in Barbados?


Accepted answer

There is no law in Barbados that determines the legal drinking age. The closest law Barbados has is from the Liquor Licenses Act of 1909, where is stipulates that licensed bars cannot sell to anyone under the age of 16.

There has been recent community efforts to update the law (from age 16 to 18) because it is outdated and over a century old.

“We are asking our leaders to raise that age from 16 to 18 and thereby any person who is 18 years old who will be purchasing alcohol, they need to show some form of identification to prove they are in fact 18. We are also asking for penalties for persons who purchase alcohol for children and also [for] persons who sell alcohol to these minors.” - Sharmane Roland-Bowen, President of the Barbados Road Safety Association (BRSA)

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