How did medieval serfs obtain their iron goods?


Generally speaking, iron tools---like the land itself--would have been the property of a nobleman.

Here's a book chapter which compares serfdom with slavery. It explains (with my emphasis added):

Serfs had at their disposal the means of producing their own livelihood. As working peasants they controlled, but they did not own, the material implements needed in agriculture. Their tools, buildings and substantial parts of the goods they produced or grew belonged not to them but to the land-owner.

Some tools were produced by peasant households themselves (an excellent book on sefdom in 18th-century Russia mentions this) but for iron tools specifically, I suspect that was rare.

Whether there were cases of serfs petitioning for specific tools they felt they needed, I'm not sure. It would have been in the rational interest of the landowner to provide iron plows and such whenever this was feasible, as it would increase the productivity of their manor.

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