How did German racial laws affect people who weren't Jewish but one of their parents wasn't German?


Accepted answer

How German racial laws affected people who weren't Jewish but one of their parent's wasn't German?
born to a British father and a German mother
So my question is that what was the protocol with people like him? How would the German racial laws affect his life?

It wouldn't, since:

  • a) he would be a British Subject
    • only in cases of illegitimate birth was citizenship derived from the mother
  • b) he would be considered to be of Aryan descent

Aryan certificate - Wikipedia: 3rd Paragraph on Page 41:

Arischer Abstammung (deutschblütig) ist demnach derjenige Mensch, der frei von einem, vom deutschen Volke aus gesehen, fremdrassigen Blutseinschlage ist. Als fremd gilt hier vor allem das Blut der auch im europäischen Siedlungsraume lebenden Juden und Zigeuner, das der asiatischen und afrikanischen Rassen und der Ureinwohner Australiens und Amerikas (Indianer), während z.B. ein Engländer oder Schwede, ein Franzose oder Tscheche, ein Pole oder Italiener, wenn er selbst frei von solchen, auch ihm fremden Blutseinschlägen ist, als verwandt, also als arisch gelten muß, mag er nun in seiner Heimat oder in Ostasien oder in Amerika wohnen oder mag er Bürger der U.S.A. oder eines südamerikanischen Freistaates sein.

Aryan descent (of German blood) is therefore a person who, from the point of view of the German people, is free of a foreign blood strain. The blood of the Jews and Gypsies who also live in the European settlement area, that of the Asian and African races and the natives of Australia and America (Indians), is considered foreign here, while e.g. an Englishman or Swede, a Frenchman or Czech, a Pole or Italian, if he himself is free from such blood stains, which are also foreign to him, must be regarded as related, i.e. as Aryan, whether he lives in his homeland or in East Asia or in America or whether he is a citizen of the USA or a South American free state.

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