How novel is John Paul II's theology of the family as "ecclesia domestica"?


Accepted answer

Please consider this only the start of an answer, I don't know too much about it and the Internet isn't much help.

My wife and I participated in a Marriage Encounter Weekend, part of Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME) this weekend and it was mentioned the idea of "Little Churches". In the back of the booklet there was a timeline that gave the progression of events that led to the creation of the WWME community.

It's very beginning is traced back to the conferences given by Spanish Priest, Fr. Gabriel Calvo starting in 1952 as part of the "Marriage teams of Pope Pius XII".

There was a teaching, which for your benefit although it made me sound like a know-it-all doorknob Catholic. I specifically asked one of the facilitators about one of the ideas in the weekend called "Little Churches", where it is specifically mentioned, although not attributed to any pope or council, the idea that the family is a little church. I asked him if it came from John Paul II, and he said yeah, the Theology of the Body has a lot to do with the ideas WWME incorporates into the presentations (although certainly not explicitly), but the Little Church idea was present in his first encounter, which was 30 years ago.

So, that doesn't particularly help since the time-line puts it at the same time. But I'd be hard-pressed to assume that particular theological point (as pertinent was it is) would get incorporated into WWME that quickly, which was clearly a product of the 1960's. I almost think the Pope was more influenced by them than the other way around!


"Velut ecclesia domestica". The responsible is the bishop of Prato (Italy) Pietro Fiordelli (+ dic. 12 2004). About him spoke Enzo Bianchi prior of Bose Monanstery (Italy): "Giovanni Crisostomo diceva ai cristiani: “Fate della vostra casa una chiesa”, e Agostino parlava di “chiesa domestica”, perché c’è analogia tra chiesa e famiglia». Ed ha aggiunto: «È stato un mio grande amico, il vescovo di Prato mons. Pietro Fiordelli, che ha fatto introdurre nella Lumen Gentium queste parole: “In questa che si potrebbe chiamare chiesa domestica (In hac velut ecclesia domestica), i genitori devono essere per i loro figli i primi maestri della fede e assecondare la vocazione propria di ognuno”." About Pietro Fiordelli see also this link: at page 87 About "velut chiesa domestica" se the book Titolo del Libro: Familia christiana velut Ecclesia domestica secondo l'insegnamento del Concilio Vaticano II. Analisi teologica del dato conciliare Autore : Colombo Ferdinando A. Editore: Urbaniana University Press Collana: Dissertationes urbanianae Data di Pubblicazione: 1996 Genere: Religione Pagine: 254 ISBN-10: 8840136096 ISBN-13: 9788840136097


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