The meaning of "The Other" in the writings by pope John Paul II


Levinas was a big influence on John Paul II who called his thought the "Testimony of our age". And they had a substantial dialogue and friendship. So I think Levinas. Certainly not Lacan.

Sorry I can't find any better quotes or references as I am on my iPad.


This formulation may refer to the heart to heart relationships theology. It advocates the personal relationships and communication with Triune God as true sense of life. Not an isichasm nor contemplation but rather understanding and feeling God as Person, as the Other, and diving into the personal relationships with Him.

You can read Schmemann and Anthony Bloom to find out more about it.


OP quoting John Paul II "All, believers and non - believers alike, need to learn a silence that allows the Other to speak when and how he wishes, and allows us to understand his words."

The meaning of "the Other" in context would refer to a believer's or non-believer's God.

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