South African living in UK, need a Schengen visa. Where do we apply please? SA consulate or country of visit?


The place to apply for a visa is always a representation of the the country you want to visit. (Or in certain cases, another country that handles visa application for the destination country. For example, the Danish embassy in London processes applications for visas to Iceland).

The South African consulate issues visas for visiting South Africa -- they can't help you get a visa for anywhere else.

For Schengen visas in particular, the rule is that you must apply to the consulate of the Schengen country that's the main destination of your trip, in the country where you're a legal resident. If you have indefinite leave to remain in the UK and an actual address there, that would be the appropriate Schengen country's consulate in the UK.

(Some countries have several consulates in the UK, such that you won't have to go to London if you live in Scotland, for example. That depends on which of the Schengen states you're going to).

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