How I can book LHR to TLV at the price shown by ITA Matrix?


Actually these flights show up on Orbitz though the carrier isn't ElAl and the flight is from Gatwick rather then Heathrow and with a single stop but depending on your circumstances it may not matter.


I suspect that this is just sold out in this fare class. ITA does a lot of caching to speed things up and may show fares that used to be available but are no longer available.


ITA is not giving you accurate information, unfortunately. The present availability on those flights as seen in London isβ€”

Flight        Stops  Depart             Arrive             Aircraft  Reliability     Available Classes

LY 318        0      LHR                TLV                772       Su,Th,Sa        F6 AL PL C9 I5 D2 ZL JL RL XL Y9 S9 M9 Q9 B9 K9 V9 L9 H9 NL GC OC UC WC EL 
                     24/12/15 22:30     25/12/15 5:20                75% / 15m

LY 315        0      TLV                LHR                772       Su,M,T,W,Th,F   F6 AL PL C9 I9 D8 ZL JL RL XL Y9 S9 M9 Q9 B9 KL V1 LL HL NL GC OC UC WC EL 
                     03/01/16 9:05      03/01/16 12:35               52% / 28m

In both cases, the W class is closed to reservations (WC); therefore the fare ITA selected (LY WUKRT5) is no longer valid over the sectors.

If you wish you may report this as a bug to ITA Support. I have found the support team quite helpful in respect of other problems I have had with ITA.

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