When I enter the UK on a work visa, can my mother go with me on a visitor visa?


One, you could ask a solicitor, this should be extremely simple and quick for one and I would expect it to cost no more than 75-100 GBP for a quick phone call.

But if you are asking random strangers on the Internet then we will tell you for free that a) you should not be taking life altering advice from random strangers on the Internet b) such a visa is extremely likely to be denied. Reason is, your mother will effectively be an unpaid worker for you, providing many services which you might need to pay for otherwise thus she would be actively harmful to the UK economy and they would never allow that. She cooks a meal for you and you eat home instead of eating out? Well, you just denied income to a restaurant. And so forth. Yes, it's possible you'd be super frugal and no such thing would happen otherwise but they can't know that.

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