Travelling from Poland to England and customs check in Germany


You are wrong in your assumption that you can carry any goods between EU states without paperwork. For certain categories, taxes may still apply even if there are no customs duties, because taxes are not harmonized.

  • With significant amounts of alcohol and similar goods, you would have to demonstrate that you are not a commercial importer. As I understand it, you were just at the limit for vodka where personal use is presumed.
  • A similar regulation applies to fuel. I'm assuming you drove a diesel van, or the fuel wouldn't be personal use. Even so, there is a limit where fuel is not presumed to be personal use any more. The AA gives different numbers than German sites, but either way 60 litres were too much.

If I found that with a few moments of googling, you would be expected to do the same. If I had to guess, they saw the fact that you maxed out your vodka limit as a sign that you knew there are some limits.

As to complaints, of course you complain about German customs in German courts, unless you want Her Majesty's government to start diplomatic proceedings on your behalf. If you upload those forms, with personal identification blanked out, there may be a paragraph where exactly you can complain.

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