Mobile Wifi Rental in Turkey?


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2 weeks ago I had a guest who stayed in one of my airbnb apartments for 8 days. Before coming here, she told me that she was expecting a package from a company called Alldaywifi. When I checked their website, I found out that they provide unlimited wifi which can be connected by 10 different devices and the rental fee per day is $5.

Although I have WiFi in my apartment, this dongle is for those who need mobile internet outside of hotel/airbnb. Also they have some additional services such as transportation card, museum tickets, and airport transfer. I was surprised that I havent heard about Alldaywifi before. After a little research I noticed there are other companies doing the same thing in Turkey.

My guest gave me the kit when she checked out and told me that they will come to get the device back. She also told me that she has a 10% discount code that can be used for 3 times within 6 months.

So, if anyone here plans to visit Turkey and rent an Alldaywifi unit, you can use her code 00ee8fc2


If i remember correctly, there are small USB bundle modems for mobile internet. Proper to use for laptop. I looked for some websites but couldn't find information English. The companies are:

  • Turkcell: This company is the best in my opinion, they're giving faster internet than others do. And i guess their cellular coverage area is also the largest. It can be a bit pricy.

  • Vodafone

  • Avea: this company is the cheapest option. It will be fine if you will stay in city centers.

Average price for the USB bundle is 40$.And i guess you will have to pay for the amount of internet that you use. I am not sure about if they are offering pre-paid options, or you have to make a contract. You will have to ask. There are stores of these brands in every 2-3 streets, so it won't be hard to find.

Enjoy the trip. Cheers!

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