Can I take my disassembled desktop computer on a flight from Turkey to the UK? (some new regulations)


Accepted answer

The whole idea behind making sure that electronic devices work is to make sure that the internal parts are not replaced with a bomb, if someone tries to smuggle a bomb inside an electronic device, it will not be possible to achieve that while keeping the original components intact, so the best is just to make sure the device is working and this will exclude any possibility of hiding bomb parts inside electronic devices (laptops, tablets, etc.). It is simple yet effective method.

Given that, computer parts are not the main concern here, the main concern is what underneath the holding case (laptop case, desktop case, etc.), so in theory parts will not be a problem as long as you EXPLAIN to the security personnel what are they. I am also positive there are not restriction of any kind to computer parts onboard.

Anyway, Here are few tips:

  • Do not wrap them in a way that makes it hard to show what's inside the wrap.
  • If you have the boxes, put them in their boxes. This will make the job much easier.
  • If boxes not available, bring the manuals, usually manuals contains photos of the device and explanation, this will save you from EXPLAINING.
  • EXPLAIN to them if they ask, they have nothing personal against you, they are just doing their job to keep everyone safe
  • Give a hint to the security personnel before putting the bag in the X-Ray scanner, this way they won't set off any alarm when they spot the bomb-like things in the screen.
  • Come 30 minutes earlier, just in case you need to explain.

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