Unfulfilled car rental reservation


Accepted answer

You can find the following disclaimer in Fox Rent A Car's terms and conditions:

All reservations and transactions made through the Site are subject to Fox Rent A Car's acceptance, which is in our sole discretion. Without limitation, this means that Fox Rent A Car may refuse to accept or may cancel any reservation or transaction, whether or not the reservation or transaction has been confirmed, for any or no reason, in our sole discretion, and without liability to you or any third party.

To summarize: Fox Rent A Car may refuse or cancel any reservation, wheter or not the reservation has been confirmed, for any or no reason, without liability to you or any third party.

In most European jurisdictions, such a disclaimer would have been void, being unduly disadvantageous for the customer, as the company basically try to relieve themselves from any duty to fulfil the contract they have entered with you.

I am not sure if the disclaimer is allowed according to US law, but assuming that you as a non-US citizen also don't live in the US, you would probably have to risk much more (court an legal representation fees) than what you may gain proceeding with any legal actions against Fox Rent A Car.

You may of course get more attention than from your previous contact attempts, if you describe your sitation publicly in a social media context, e.g. on Fox Rent A Car's Facebook page.

I don't want to rub more salt in your wounds, but after all, you accepted these terms when making the reservation.


While you could attempt to frame this as a legal problem with the appropriate authority: others have had success trying this in the court of public opinion. Perhaps voicing the issue on Public media through youTube and the local news this would bring some degree of remedy or at least a response if framed properly: with proper supporting documentation to back your claims

In the states, no company wants to be on the nightly news for this kind of thing or youTube

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