Are there any topographic or recreation atlases of Germany or the Alpine countries?


There's always the Diercke Weltatlas, and you most likely can get a cheap, older copy for little money, since this atlas is widely used at schools. The atlas contains a section on the alps.

That being said, it is not detailled enough in order to allow route planning for cycling or hiking. I suggest you either get a map collection at 1:25,000 max, or take a look at Furthermore local authorities/tourism organisations provide tips/routes and often webviewers for hiking/cycling, too.


  1. Online

Not specifically German but the ESRI World Topographic Map (Viewer) covers the entire area—Germany and the other Alpine countries—you are interested in though admittedly it is not printed as an atlas. This page has the metadata:

World Topographic Map is designed to be used as a basemap by GIS professionals and as a reference map by anyone. ...

The map provides coverage for the world down to a scale of ~1:72k. Coverage is provided down to ~1:4k for the following areas: Africa, Australia and New Zealand; Europe and Russia; India; most of the Middle East; Pacific Island nations; Alaska; Canada; Mexico; South America and Central America. Coverage is available down to ~1:2k and ~1:1k in select urban areas.

  1. Bundesland Offices

As an example, the Bavarian Landesamt für Digitalisierung, Breitband und Vermessung produces the 'Amtliche Topographische Karten im Maßstab 1:25 000'. The linked site provides a price listing for purchase-able map, but also there's this overview of where the different map sheets are. Searching for these on Amazon DE brings up purchase options (as one of many sites and providers) with the pricing €8.70 for each (as far as I understand).


It appears Germany's Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy has a series of maps related to what you are interested in.

The Themed Maps section appears most relevant, but may be available only in German.

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