Maps mobile app for China with offline feature


While searching I came across OsmAnd maps. They offer offline maps and navigation, as well as a bunch of other features. OsmAnd served me well and I never had to look for a backup map.

If you speak a bit of Chinese, you can also take advantage of Baidu maps (iOS, Android). These offer a fantastic navigation interface in a form of AR. There are several other offline map apps that you can use as well. In case you use Chinese phones and don't have access to Playstore, you can use a third-party Android store like this or Aptoide.


Osmand is good for offline map. Especially, try a modified version of Osmand that has OSM as well as chinese maps like baidu, autonavi, and even google map china with corrected position offsets. You can use them as offline if map tiles downloaded. But Cons is that the app version is out of date.


I had good experience in China with Maps.Me (no affiliation; that's the name of actual application on Google Play). It is free, open source, and it uses OSM maps. Works offline too.

In some remote places in China this app maps were a bit off the actual location - but so were Baidu maps/wechat locations.

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