Is there any train from Germany to France where I can bring my car with me?


According to the helpful map on the Seat 61 website there are southbound motorail services still from Paris including one to Bordeaux and also services southbound from DΓΌsseldorf but those only go to Italy or Austria so you are out of luck.


The auto train from Paris to Bordeaux is no longer listed in the 2018 SNCF brochure. (Map on page 3. The current English version is from 2017.)

SNCF recommends their partner Expedicar. They collect your car and drive it to your destination, either on a truck, or with a driver. Unfortunately, they are not as fast as the train used to be.

For example, for Strasbourg to Bordeaux, prices currently are:

  • 85 Eur (some kind of car rental system, depends on driver availability)
  • 419 Eur (truck, 9 days)
  • 820 Eur (professional driver, 3 days).

There are also international options, google for Autotransport or Fahrzeugtransport. UShip (an auction platform) quotes 563 Euro as a typical price for a VW Passat from Dresden to Bordeaux.

On the German side, there are only a few remaining trains in N-S/NW-SE direction. Autoreisezug-Planer has a map (red/orange stations are in use, white ones are closed), and more details in German (menu on the right).

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