Compensation for cancelled flights in EU, one booking, multiple legs


Under the EU passenger rights regulation, the airline should have offered you both rerouting and the standard compensation for lost time (where applicable). If they didn't, it sounds plausible that you have a legal claim both for the compensation and for the expenses you incurred yourself as a result of their failure to reroute you. Typically the standard compensation in EC261 subsumes your opportunity to claim actual damages, but that probably doesn't apply when they failed to follow through on other duties of EC261.

Whether this is actually so or not, however, depends on the intricacies of German contract and consumer law. (The EU regulation doesn't specify what the consequences of flaunting it is; that devolves to national civil law). Therefore you need to consult a German lawyer. Random helpful people on the internet can't help you properly with assessing the particular facts of your case.

Beware that you may need to sue the airline to recover anything. And then much will depend on how much of your story you can prove in court. If, for example, the airline claims that you never explicitly asked to be rerouted and/or hung up in anger before their agent had a chance to suggest a rebooking, then it might end up as a he-said/she-said battle in court, which you can't be sure of winning. A judge would need to estimate the probability that she's dealing with someone trying to scam money out of the airline, versus the probability that a reputable multibillion-euro airline managed and run by professionals would suddenly gang together to repeatedly stiff one out of millions of passengers.

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