How did nobles upon the Grand Tour evade or mitigate the danger of banditry?


Not a lot of information on the dangers of the Grand Tour. I did find this:

A Tourist would not carry much money due to the risk of highway robbers so letters of credit from their London banks were presented at the major cities of the Grand Tour. Many Tourists spent a great deal of money abroad and due to these expenditures outside of England, some English politicians were very much against the institution of the Grand Tour.



The nobility was the estate of warriors, "those who fight". This tradition hadn't vanished at that time yet. These grand touring nobles knew how to fight, had companions who knew how to fight, and they were escorted by bodyguards who REALLY knew how to fight.

The grand tours were regarded as part of the military education of French young nobles around the 16th and 17th centuries, for example. I read an account of this in the book "Warrior Pursuits: Noble and civil conflict in early modern France". Other Western European countries with traditions of chivalry wouldn't be very different.

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