Why doesn’t Cuba's flag have any communist symbolism?


Accepted answer

Because Cuba wasn't communist at the time.

The flag was designed in 1849 and adopted in 1902. The original design purposely copied French and United States elements.

The Cuban Revolution that brought the Castros to power didn't happen until 1958. This would have been the time to change the flag, if it were going to get changed. However, they actually got a fair bit of help from the US, and in turn insisted they were not Communist in any way. Fidel Castro said this in an interview in 1959 (after he took power):

I know the world thinks of us, we are Communists, and of course I have said very clear that we are not Communists; very clear.

However, once he got to looking at the changes he wanted to make, Communism started to look attractive. Over 70% of Cuba was owned by foreigners, including the Catholic Church. About a month after this quote, Cuba's government started confiscating this land. A year later, they officially confiscated all foreign-owned property. It still wasn't until about 1965 (5 years later) until Castro's party had completely transformed into the modern Communist Party of Cuba.

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