Was the M4 Sherman used frequently in artillery capacity?


My father, Capt. John Irland, commanded a battery in the 7th Armored. While on west bank of the Rhine awaiting the crossing, he said his battery was converted to a sort of temporary arty battalion by having a few companies of tanks attached to his battery for which his own FDC provided that service. I never asked him how they did fire direction for the tanks. Lloyd Irland


For the purposes of this question, I will interpret "as artillery" to mean "indirect-fire". That is, they're firing at a location, not a target.


M4 hulls were used to make self-propelled artillery: M7 Priest, M12, and Sexton. They even played around with putting a whole bunch of rockets on an M4, but not in large numbers. And many M4 tanks were equipped with a 105mm howitzer for direct and indirect infantry support.

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The M3 75 mm gun was a very good all-purpose gun with a good high-explosive and white-phosphorous/smoke shells. 75mm and 105mm Shermans were used as supplementary artillery. Regular Shermans would be equipped with azimuth and elevation indicators to be able to carry out indirect fire missions. Individual crews would be trained to work with artillery units; they generally wouldn't do their own spotting or targeting and instead carry out fire orders: this many rounds of that type in such-and-such a direction and elevation.

The Korean War would see more use of M4s as artillery.

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