What is the ancestry of the Robertians, progenitors of the Bourbon dynasty?


At first glance you are asking a simple question that is remarkably complex. How far can we trace back the Robertians (Capets) and other cadet families, including the Bourbons?

Roughly every 25 years there is a new generation. Every child of each new generation has four grandparents, two from each parent, male and female. Add into this mix the time back to the ancient ancestor one is tracing, plus the new research that the Germanic tribes (there is a long line of DNA and academic research of migrations that prove this fact) can be traced back to lines of the lost tribes of Israel, which married local women of non-Jewish families.

Already in this complex mix, one has to add Emperor Charlemagne's dispatch to a ruler in the Middle East, at the time, to send to Charlemagne a Jewish Exilarch to lead the Jews of Septimania in Southern France in battle against the Muslims in Spain. This direct descendant of King David of Israel married a member of Charlemagne's family, and their children were direct descendants of King David of Israel.

I am certain that there are many other complexities that are not known, as of yet; however, the fact is that a Bourbon princess of France, today head of a UN agency, says that the Bourbons, a junior cadet branch of the Capet family, trace their family back to the Julii and Claudii patrician families of ancient Rome.

Although the Princess did not mention the Davidic line, I think it is well-known through the academic work of Australian historian-genealogist David L. Hughes, Ph.D.

Considering the many generations of ancestors, each member of which has four grandparents, it might take decades to assemble all such genealogical records, DNA samples, historical records and other supporting research and documents.

Even more complex, every living breathing human being is related by blood, as discovered by a worldwide DNA laboratory and academic study circa 1992 when DNA became precise. We are never more than six degrees of separation between each of our other living human beings through our multiple generations of four grandparents per person.


While, I have not been able to verify the claim that Tassilon the first was the father of Charibert or any other claim as to Charibert's ancestry, I have found many different claims as to who he descended from, most of which are not coming from reliable sources. Neither of the sources you reference are very reliable either, one is a family tree of an individual who traces himself back to Adam and Eve and the other is a crowdsourced family tree trying to link mythical events together with real people. In the end, I believe that I we don't really know the ancestry of Charibert and we will just have to keep wondering.

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