Was there a historical figure named Fecund?


Accepted answer

The sudden increase shown for the capitalized form, "Fecund", is evidently a result of one particular book in the Ngrams database. The 1959 book Family Planning, Sterility and Population Growth uses "Fecund" repeatedly on over 90 pages. Apparently "Fecund" is used as a formal label for a specific class of people discussed in the text.

Also, you can more clearly see the book's influence on the statistics if you set the Ngram Viewer's "smoothing" value to 0, as here:


The word itself is ancient. It's from Latin, via Middle French and Middle English.

Possible causes of the peak you're seeing include the post-WWII baby boom and the Green Revolution. Both of those would encourage use of the word, even at the start of sentences.

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