Jerusalem 1187: How would Saladin's army have laid siege to the walls?


A contemporary account of the siege states:

The cruelest of tyrants [Saladin] also arrayed up to ten thousand armed knights with bows and lances on horseback, so that if the men of the city attempted a foray they would be blocked. He stationed another ten thousand or more men armed to the teeth with bows for shooting arrows, under cover of shields and targets. He kept the rest with himself and his lieutenants around the engines.

So, his cavalry was to deter defenders' attempts at counterattack with their own cavalry, while siege engines and infantry archers suppressed fighters on the wall. And during the first day of the siege:

They [defenders of Jerusalem] decided that everyone, with such horses and arms as could be mustered, should leave the city and march steadily through the gate which leads to Jehosephat. Thus, if God allowed it, they would push the enemy back a bit from the walls. They were foiled, however, by the Turkish hors*m*n and were woefully defeated…

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