When did Socrates die?


All the sources I have found have said 399 BC, when he was killed by a hemlock drink, which he preferred for his death after he was trialed for what he was teaching.


According to this page, it was Friday, February 15 399BC.

You are right. If we want to know the exact date of some event we can use astronomical events for sure. They probably know that Socrates died X days before the Vernal Equinox, for example.

This is when Wolfram Alpha can help us.

First, I want to know how many days we have until the Vernal Equinox in Greece:


Right: 34 days (and few minutes)

Now I want to know when the same day was in 399BC


Perfect: it was Friday, February* 15, 399 BC (extrapolated Gregorian calendar)

  • If you see August, it's because you are in the South Hemisphere. I don't know why WA is using your location instead of Greece.

It even give us the exact time difference from now: 2414 years*****


*EDIT: just in case, the above was from 1 year ago, the time difference would be 2415 years 9 months 27.58 days at the time of writing this answer

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