What is the gist of CARM's criticism of Joyce Meyer?


CARM has said a few things about Joyce Meyer and has called some of her teachings heresy.

[CARM was] glad to see an affirmation [in Meyer's teachings] of the Trinity, that man is a sinner, that without Jesus we can have no relationship with God, that salvation is a free gift, and eternal hell of conscious damnation.

Some things Meyer has said that CARM has labeled as misguided or heresy are:

  • "Jesus stopped being the Son of God on the cross." CARM calls this heresy and dangerous and urges Meyer to repent.
  • "Jesus was the first person to be born again." CARM calls this "a serious error since it implies that Jesus needed to be changed"
  • "Jesus paid for our sins in Hell." CARM says Jesus paid for our sins on the cross.
  • "Jesus went to Hell in our place and suffered and was tormented." CARM says there is no reason to believe that Jesus suffered in Hell to finish atonement for the sins of the World.
  • "If you don't believe that Jesus went to Hell you cannot be saved." CARM calls this heresy.
  • Joyce Meyer describes her Christ given righteousness in a way that CARM finds unbiblical and motivated by pride.
  • "Demons literally stood on Jesus in Hell and laughed." CARM calls this completely made up and part of the same heresy that Jesus was tormented in Hell.
  • Meyer claims to have a gift of revelation from God, but CARM argues that must be impossible because some of her teachings stand in contrast to what the Bible says.

It seems that most of CARM's objections relate to Meyer's teaching that the cross was not sufficient and required Jesus to be tormented in Hell too.

Additionally, CARM takes objection that Meyer has taken the proper role of a preacher which CARM believes is a position that should only be held by men.

Since first approaching her in 2011, CARM claims that Joyce Meyer has not responded to their inquiries or accusations.


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