Who believes the incarnation and resurrection wouldn't have happened without Mary's faith?


With or without Mary, God does what he intends to do. God tells us so at Isaiah 55:11

"So my word that goes out of my mouth will be. It will not return to me without results, But it will certainly accomplish whatever is my delight, And it will have sure success in what I send it to do."

If Mary had not found favor in gods eyes, she would not have been used for his purpose. God could have picked any women that fit the prophecy. He chose her because of the qualities he found in her.

Regardless of Mary, Jesus did all that his father instructed him to do. We see from further accounts from the bible, that Jesus's purpose was more than the ransom sacrifice. Jesus also instructed us in what we need to do in order to be saved. Jesus of course met all those requirements and was resurrected.

As for the theologians that that website's FAQ is talking about, I cant find any good research on it. that website has absolutely nothing to help me research, besides key terms that I'm looking for on my own.

I found a few articles, but I'm not sure they will answer your question.

Devotion to the sacred Heart of Jesus, [deleted this one as it just reiterates what you said].... ,Beside the Cross of Jesus <- this site here has the teachings of the catholic church.

It looks like they are inferring that without Mary, Jesus wouldn't have been born in the flesh. I cant find any article that exclusively says that without Mary's faith Jesus would have not been resurrected.

Also I find it very frustrating that none of these sites show where they got all this information, so I can research it. Vatican is referenced for a few on that site. CatholicEducation gives some more of the same insight.

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