Do any Christian denominations prohibit eating rare meat?


If you google "Torah Christian", you may not find a denomination, per se, but you'll see several sites which support the notion that Christians must follow the Torah.

I have a friend who belongs to such a church (they're all "non-denominational", but loosely associate with each other) who maintains that Christians should not eat rare steak because there is still blood in it.

The problem with this stance is that, unless you are eating truly raw meat (eg off a freshly-killed rabbit before any cooking), there is [practically] no blood left in the meat, it's a combination of water and myoglobin.

Myoglobin is functionally similar to hemoglobin, but stores oxygen in muscles vs blood, respectively.

There are all kinds of reasons to eat (or not eat) rare steak - that "blood" is still in it is not one of them.

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