In accordance to LDS doctrine, would Mary & Joseph need to be sealed (by proxy) in the temple?


Accepted answer

Mary and Joseph must be sealed by proper authority (a Melchizedek priesthood holder with the authorization to perform the sealing) in order to receive the blessings of the sealing ordinance, including inheriting the highest degree of Celestial glory. This is true for all of God's children. I doubt an exception would be made for them.

What we do not know is when Mary and Joseph received this ordinance, if they received it yet at all. That is not officially part of Mormon doctrine or records as far as I know. It is possible they were sealed by Jesus and/or the apostles while they were living or had their ordinances performed vicariously under the authority of the apostles after they passed away, but it is not certain.

In essence, they are required to be sealed, but the Church does not claim to have official records of their sealing. Due to the current policy against performing ordinances for famous persons (as well as the uncertainty you mentioned), it is unlikely this ordinance will be performed in the near future.


This is after the fact, but some additional information provides insight into this question that a comment is too short to relay.

(A) Jesus was a high priest of the Melchizedek Priesthood during His mortal ministry (Heb. 7:15-22) and (B) Jesus is the source of all priesthood authority (D&C 107:2-5).

Further, it is inappropriate to overlay today's religious procedures on ancient times. The Lord requires us to use temples today ... but being the source of all Priesthood authority and living at a time when His culture was ruled by the lesser Aaronic and Levitical procedures of the ancient Hebrews, He could (and did) do what he wanted.

Yes, in LDS theology we require that Mary and Joseph be sealed for time and all enternity through the sealing authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood. We do not know if this sealing has taken place. Please note that neither the Bible nor LDS Theology knows anything about Joseph past Jesus' youth. People recognized Jesus as Joseph's son (e.g., Luke 4:22), but we hear nothing about Joseph himself. Joseph may not have lived to see Jesus enter His ministry, and Jesus may not have acted in the role of an High Priest of the Melchizedek Priesthood before that time.

But He could have, or He could have later with a proxy standing in for Joseph (reasonable since we believe proxy baptisms occured during His time, 1 Cor. 15:29)

Simply put, though we do not know what happened, Jesus had the authority to perform the sealing Himself.

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