Are all confessions protected from being used in criminal court as evidence against someone?


Accepted answer

To my knowledge the Catholic Church is the only denomination to reject mandatory reporting laws. Most Protestant churches now strongly emphasise training related to child safety and disclosures, and anyone confessing sexual abuse crimes will be told that those they are confessing to have a civil duty to report the confession to police. Most Protestants would probably also believe they have a moral duty to report these confessions. I know less about the Orthodox churches, but I did see that the Orthodox Church in America also accepts mandatory reporting laws.

Where the crimes confessed are not of a child abuse or sexual nature mandatory reporting usually does not apply, and other laws may protect or require the confidentiality of confessions. But the fact that mandatory reporting laws are accepted is enough to answer your question: no, other denominations do not protect all confessions.

And just personally, I do not think the Catholic Church's argument is remotely convincing. Of course we are in the business of saving souls. Most of the time being made to face civil justice is a good thing for someone's spirituality. The church should not intentionally be standing in the way of that.

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