Why was Jesus called Jesus, and not Immanuel?


Accepted answer

Immanuel means "god with us."

Christ means "messiah" which we know means savior.

As Christians we believe that Jesus is the only person who walked and never sinned. God descending to Earth in human flesh.(while the father still exists in heaven also. Father, son, Holy Spirit)

And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

People in Jesus life called him by the name Yeshua.

Really the thing that matters most is what Christ did for us. The technicalities are good to have opinions on, but never something we divide ourselves over.


Actually, it's because Immanuel was born in the next chapter of Isaiah (8:8)! Verse 7:14 mis-translates the Hebrew word "almah" as virgin instead of "young woman". IF it meant to indicate virgin, a good Hebrew example of the word would be "betulah".

In addition to life choices and prophecy, the bible is also a history book. Isaiah 7 speaks of King Ahaz seeking comfort due to the alliance of Rezin (king of Aram) and Pekah (son of the king of Israel). The context is that by the age of (Immanuel's) maturity, the kings of the 2 enemy nations will be gone; in fact, killed (ref. 2 Kings, 15:29-30 & 2 Kings 16:9).

Further context is the Lord telling Ahaz that he could ask for a sign but Ahaz responds that he "will not try the Lord". Then comes Isaiah 7:14...but it would make little sense that the Lord's comfort for Ahaz would be the birth of Christ 700 years hence.

For other reference, check out Proverbs 30:18-20. Here, Solomon compares a man with an "almah" to 3 things: an eagle in the sky, a serpent on a rock, & a ship in the sea. The common bond? All leave no trace - after an eagle flies by, there's nothing in the sky to show it was there; a snake slithers away & leaves no trail; a ship moves across the sea & the water comes back together...after a man has been with an almah, there is no trace of the fornication between them. No...DO NOT go there because that's not what I'm implying! Simply: when we're addressing apologetics, it's critical to view it within the context of the circumstance at the time as well as have a working knowledge of language(s).

The Lord Bless and Keep You! (Numbers 6:24-26)...Michael


The best reason I know of is because God told them to name him Jesus

Mat 1:21 KJV And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall
save his people from their sins.


Because Emmanuel/Immanuel is a nick name. It is like saying Clark Kent, his name is SuperMan, though people also know him as Man of Steel. Which is the same with Jesus, he's name is Jesus of Nazareth, we call him Jesus Christ (Christ means Messiah) but we know him as Emmanuel because he's God in the flesh who walked with us.

and the prophecy is

Isaiah 7:14 14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

(And Abram to Abraham has no connection to this. Abram did wrong things, lying to those kings and allowing Sarai to be taken as the King's wife while Abram accepted the good/provision over Sarai. A man to be Father of all nations should not bare a name and remembrance of someone who lied and gave up his wife. God had to change his name to Abraham. The thing was back in those times, names actually meant something. Jacob's name meant cheating and his name was changed to Israel. Jacob who would become the first to bear Israel was cheating a lot of people and did wrong things, so we cannot let the Jews bare the forever name Jacob to someone who cheats. That was why God had to change his name to Israel. Saul people knew him as a persecutor so he had to change his name to Paul. I do think it's important for us to look at our name meanings for they can impact our lives. If name makes changes to our life as a bad thing, it is best to change our name. If you look at the prophet names in the bible, they all have good meaning outcome like David means beloved.)

God bless

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