Reformed View of Titus 2:11 and Irresistible Grace


Accepted answer

Titus 2:11 is not relevant to the doctrine of "Irresistible Grace" (the likely reason for its absence in many commentaries). Titus 2:11 is a statement about the significance of the advent and sacrificial work of Jesus, not "Irresistible Grace" (a euphemism for the transforming impact and in-working power of the in-dwelling Holy Spirit. Confusion can result from careless translations of the Greek text. A very careful literal rendering of the Greek text would read like, "The saving grace of the God was-previously-made-visible to-all humans", in which the following aspects of the Greek text have been honored: 1) the passive-aorist Greek verb: "was-made-visible (at some previous [unspecified] time", and 2) the Greek adjective "saving" (not a verb, as in the NASB) is explicitly applied to its intended noun target "grace". Putting this all together, Titus 2:11 appears to be making an assertion regarding the (invisible) Grace of an (invisible) God having been made visible at some previous time, openly, not in secret) by means of the (earlier) incarnation and sacrificial work of Jesus.


The defense of Titus 2:11 for the Calvinist doctrine of Irresistible Grace comes from the interpretation of the words in the verse "Grace of God."

John MacArthur, a prominent Calvinist pastor and teacher writes this in his "John MacArthur Study Bible" commentary of Titus 2:11(NASB)-

Titus 2:11 - "For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men.."

2:11 ...grace of God. Not simply the divine attribute of grace, but Jesus Christ Himself, grace incarnate, God's supremely gracious gift to fallen mankind.

OP assumes "the grace of God" is talking about God's divine attribute of grace, which indeed is the driving factor behind the doctrine of "Irresistible Grace," but is not what this verse is talking about according to the Calvinist. Calvinists do not hold to the position that it is Christ Himself who is performing the pulling towards God, but, in the words of John Calvin, " is a powerful impulse of the Holy Spirit..."

In conclusion, to the Calvinist, this verse is not about Irresistible Grace at all; rather, it deals with soteriological truths.

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