Two Editions of Pelikan's "Whose Bible Is It?"


It is not uncommon for book publishers to tweak the cover of a book slightly when the book goes for a second printing, due to having sold all of the original copies. The quick succession (only a year after the original printing) suggests it was simply a reprinting, and not a "new edition." And their marketing gurus probably decided that a new cover and a shortened subtitle would help sales.

It also appears that the second printing was only done in paperback (judging by availability on amazon), whereas the first printing was both in hardback and paperback. This could also just mean that they ran out of the first printing of the paperback copies first.

I have not been able to find any hard evidence to support this guess, but it seems logical, and I find no evidence to the contrary, either. I suppose an email to the publisher, Penguin Press, might set the record straight, if it's that important to anyone.

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