Do any denominations object to writing/ saying "the god" instead of "God"?


Accepted answer

No denomination I know of would not object to that text. The reason being that using "God" refers specifically to the god of Israel and Christians, whereas "the god" refers to some god creating the heavens and the earth, meaning that "the god" only gains meaning from context. Should this excerpt be taken without its reference (Genesis 1:1) and its reader not knowing it was from the Bible, it would look like it was simply referring to a god, not the God.


I'm not sure that denominations would actually object to that as a theological point so much as a linguistic point. אֱלֹהִים translates to "God" or "Divine beings" (yes, the word can be plural). And while ὁ θεὸς , on the other hand (the words used in Acts 3:13 to say, "the God of Abraham") translate to the God, in the Hebrew they are rendered as אֱ"הֵ י, which also does not have a definite article.

As to use of "the God", it is syntactically awkward in English unless contextualized (so "the God of Abraham" is fine). This is especially true since "God", in a monotheistic construct (the dominant concept in western nations), functions as much as a name as it does a title or description. While it is not syntactically incorrect to say, "the Barak Obama"*, people will look at you strangely. And this has much to do with the way the Hebrew was structured. For example, Psalm 90:2 has the line "Thou Art God". When I cross checked German, Italian, and French translations I found that there was no definite article there.

* Not saying that he should be equated to God, but he was the first person I thought of when I thought, "who is someone that everyone will know?"

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