Are the "Great Supper of God" and the "Wedding Supper of the Lamb" the same event?


I searched for evidence of any religious group conflating the two feasts. I found one group that taught that Isaiah 25:6-8 spoke of a literal millennial on earth (still future) where there would be a thousand-year feast of literal food and drink for all humans living on the earth then (Isaiah's Prophecy, Vol. 1 pp273-4, published in 2000) But in its 15 April 2000 journal, it identified the Revelation 19 event as God's war against the ungodly nations and kings, prior to that millennial rule of Christ (The Watchtower p.12). This shows a clear distinction. It also said in an older book that Revelation 19 speaks of the destruction of the devil's visible political organization, with that feasting on their flesh paralleling Isaiah 63:1-7 (not 25:6-8). But it took the view that that gory feast has to happen first (on earth) before the survivors and those resurrected on to earth can begin to enjoy the literal feast of good food and drink thereafter. It also seemed to indicate the wedding supper of the Lamb would happen in heaven at the end of the thousand years, and nobody on earth would partake of that.

Other groups that don't take the literal millennial rule on earth interpretation still don't say the two feasts are the same. The Revelation makes a clear distinction, no matter how you interpret it. If this was all about one feast or supper, why would the Revelation not state that? Everything it says shows a first event, with a gory feast for birds and beasts (which need not be literal), only after which can there be the wedding supper of the Lamb with his bride, in heaven. Don't forget that 2 Peter ch. 3 speaks of the old heaven and earth being removed and replaced with a new heaven and earth, in which righteousness will dwell. The great supper of God relates to the old systems being destroyed by him, while the wedding supper of the Lamb speaks of the new systems then in place.

I dare say that a huge amount of research could uncover one group or other that conflates the two feasts, but if you have read such an interpretation, you could save us all a lot of time by giving your sources!

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