Are there any major Protestant denominations that meet every day and are together all the time like the early church was?


Accepted answer

The two passages you cite from Acts involve may involve very different models of Christian life. The former describes how some Christians lived, the latter describes what some Christians did.

The citation from Acts 2 involves people who lived together, if not in the same structure, then at least in very close proximity. Religious life [Note: the use of the word "religious" here is to describe communities of Men and Women who live together in a consecrated life in communities such as monasteries and convents] commonly found among Catholics, Orthodox, and less common, but not unknown among Anglicans and Lutherans, and rare, but not unknown among other Christian denominations, fit this example. So, too, at least to some degree, do the Seminaries of most denominations, and universities operated by, or with close working relationships to various denominations, where students live together in dormitory housing.

The citation, to Acts 5, describes the principal Christian mission, evangelism. That is to say it describes what Christians did, and does not really speak to how they lived. I like to think that I follow this model in my own life, not so much in the explicit form of proclamation described in Acts 5, but rather in the somewhat more subtle form of Matthew 5 (v. 16): "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father, who is in heaven." (RSV). I know others whose behavior tells me that they are practicing Evangelism in the same manner.

For what it's worth, most major cities in the US have at least one Episcopal Parish at which at least morning and evening prayer are celebrated at least six (Sunday through Friday), if not seven, days a week. This is consistent with Biblical practice, where making sacrifices in the Temple was the work of the priests, who being obligated to keep the Sabbath the same as every other Jew, would not have offered Sacrifices n the Sabbath.


The Vero Essene Yahad meets every day. When I say 'meets,' I'm talking about remotely over the client We meet in a facebook group. We do worship on Saturday over zoom. We have a daily radio show on Hebrew Nation Radio. We have get-togethers Tues, Fri and twice on Saturday. We have an early meeting on Sunday. Monday and Wed. we meet as an option. If you are interested in such, then you may check our website - We are a professional religious organization that features getting back to the first century original worship, and have found numerous apostolic books dating to 1st BC - 1st AD that tell us how. These days, only communes like the Hutterites can actually meet every day - however, we now have technology that we may and do meet every day. We have approximately 1000 actives and/or associates.

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