Are there any traditions that believe in the complete cessation of miracles?


According to this message from the Church of Christ, miracles have ceased completely. I don't know that this fits the bill of "major traditions". From what I can see, it's not just a single independent non-denominational Church. The website does list several of them. I suppose it depends on where you draw the line at "significant". Interestingly enough, a Google search for "all miracles have ceased" turns up a number of [insert city name] Church of Christ hits.

And they're not the only group. I also found this sermon preaching the same message. I can't make out any recognizable denomination here. They simply seem to refer to themselves as "The Church".

Bible Truths.Net teaches the same thing.

Apparently there are those out there that believe in a complete cessation of miracles, which is really only one step away from the teaching outlined in my answer to your other question.

As I look further into this, it turns out that "Cessationist" is a term a bit like "Fundamentalist". It means different things depending on who's supplying the definition. Based on that, although on every site I've run across, "Cessationism" referes to the belief in the end, specifically, of the Charismatic gifts. (Speaking in tongues, faith healing, resurrection, prophecy, etc.), not all miracles.

As for the ones that believe in total cessation, I've been searching for a while, trying to find a proper term for the belief, and I can't find a single one. They're not referred to as "cessationists" by anyone that's cite-worthy. I've seen the term used in this context on two Tripod websites and a few blogs, but nothing official that would stand up to the normal test for accepted external source references.

So back to an attempt at an answer, there do appear to be groups, and they may represent a "significant" portion of Christianity, that do believe in the complete cessation of miracles after the New Testament times. But I'm no closer than you were in finding a proper name for them, or their belief, other than an unofficial "Total Cessationists" (which I just made up and doesn't count.).

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