From where did Cain get his wife?


Accepted answer

As there was nobody except Adam and Eve after he killed Abel.

Some source of this claim? Because Genesis says:

And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters (Gen 5, 4).

According to apocryphal Book of Jubilees, Cain's wife's name was Awan.


From Genesis 4:14 ESV

14 Behold, you have driven me today away from the ground, and from your face I shall be hidden. I shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.”

This appears to suggest that there were "others" besides Adam and Eve. While someone could take the story of Adam and Eve literally as the first humans, it doesn't imply that they were the only humans - just the only humans that we talk about.

Therefore Cain's wife MAY have been one of the "others". Else there would have been an incestuous relationship:

Cain was the first born son of Adam and Eve, and Abel was the second. In Genesis 4 we read how Cain kills his brother and is sent east of Eden where he marries a woman and “lays” with her. Because Adam and Eve were the first humans – assuming ONLY humans – Cain’s wife was his sister – and, consequently, all of the early Biblical relationships were incestuous (with the exception of Adam and Eve).


Adam and Eve: The Only Humans Without Parents?

Sin is said to come from one man (Ro 5:12). Adam (and Eve) are pointed to as the "source" of sin/death. The curse that God pronounced upon them in Ge 3 after they disobeyed God affects us because we are their descendants and will inevitably sin (Ro 3:23).

God didn't immediately make Eve in the same manner as he made complimentary genders for the other animals. Ge 2 tells of how God showed Adam that he was alone before creating Eve. If God created other humans who were not descendants of Adam and Eve, did he do the same for them? Would he need to?

Would these others have been in the Garden of Eden, too? When did they sin (presuming they did), and when were they expelled from the garden?

@Jomet, Typical readings of the text suggest that once created, every plant/animal reproduced in the manner in which God designed "after [its] kind." There's no other mention of God (re-)creating any of the creatures (or creating more than one pair). While the text does not exclude the possibility, the mere fact that they are never mentioned (or referred to by other Biblical authors, who occasionally refer to elements of tradition for which there is no mention in the OT) is a reasonably strong suggestion that there weren't any others.

Attempting to make room for other humans who weren't descendants of Adam and Eve is not completely impossible, given what's written, but it certainly requires crafting some complicated stories to fit the facts if there were any. It really sounds like the Biblical account leaves very little room for other people being created simultaneously.

Cain's wife was almost certainly a descendant of Adam and Eve (most likely their daughter).

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