According to reformed theology, is hypocrisy a sin?


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I'm going to take a stab at this:

Essentially, reformed theology suggests that man is completely sinful. That's the T in TULIP for Total Depravity. We're so sinful that we're beyond saving on our power.

The thing that might get lost in this is that even a single sin. No matter how small is enough to keep us completely separated from God.

Hypocrisy is definitely a sin. It's a sin motivated by pride, but ultimately it's bearing false witness. It's lying to yourself and other about how bad off your spiritual state really is.

Reformed theology though brings us out of that hypocrisy, we see and confess our sin for what it really is: Total and complete depravity and in such complete separation from God.

This is where we get to the good stuff though. We don't leave it there. As sinful, hypocritical and depraved as we are, God's grace is more than sufficient to cover it all. Yes hypocrisy is sin, and considering the nature of the reformers as intellectuals it was certainly one they struggled with (I certainly do myself), but the truth is that Grace is sufficient. We're forgiven.

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